The collection entitled “No Name. Storia di un collezionismo a parte” of the Genzini family was born in the 60s and 70s when Oreste Genzini began to collect works by artists who turned to his company to make their catalogs.
For Oreste it was a passion that grew over time. For Marco, his daily-educated-to-art son, became a necessity, a vision through which to interpret life. For Victoria and Oliver it has also become a job.
No Name is a small part of the Genzini’s collection: many works remained hidden from accumulation until Marco transferred them to the castle of Morsasco, where they resumed their own space.
Many of the artists on display are still alive and the exhibition, collecting works from the 70s up to the present day, offers a good cross-section of the artistic production that has come together in Milan or that has been created here.
“No Name” offers the opportunity to learn about a little-explored side of the city which in this case is Milan, about the way a place can attract different thoughts and artistic expressions.
The “No Name” collection is always on the move: constantly updated with new works and artists.
Associazione di promozione
sociale e culturale Castello di Morsasco
CF 90019400069
Tel: +39 334 3769833
Castello di Giarole (AL)
Castello di Piovera (AL)
Castello di Monastero Bormida (AT)
Castello di Monticello d’Alba (CN)
Photo credits: Massimiliano Camera, Andrea Chiesa, Marck Cooper, Angelo Durante, Loris Di Falco, Debora Garritani, Paolo Perrone, Fabio Polosa, Daniele Serra, Costanzo Cocuzza, Laura Ferrari, Fraintesa.
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