The castle is of private property of the Cichero family who resides in it during the whole year. The castle does not receive funds from any public or private institution and all restoration and enhancement activities are carried out by the owners, sometimes supported by friends or sponsors.
Kindly notice that the castle can be visited on Saturdays and Sundays at 3.30 p.m. from March to November 2nd, yet you can also visit it at other times or days of the week by booking your visit in advance.
Tours start from the entrance to the ancient refuge and continue into the castle’s courtyard before moving up to the castle’s main floor. Visitors continue through the 13th century tower with prisons and descend into the main floor of the ancient dungeon to visit the contemporary art exhibition “No name. Storia di un collezionismo a parte”.
Visitors descend into the cellars and then continue on to the granaries, where a collection of household tools from the 19th and 20th centuries is on display. The visit finishes in the winery, among the enormous barrels (15.000-20.000 liters). Tours are usually led by the owners.
From April to the end of October you can join a calendar of classical and jazz music concerts performed in collaboration with the Da Vinci Publishing.
Associazione di promozione
sociale e culturale Castello di Morsasco
CF 90019400069
Tel: +39 334 3769833
Castello di Giarole (AL)
Castello di Piovera (AL)
Castello di Monastero Bormida (AT)
Castello di Monticello d’Alba (CN)
Photo credits: Massimiliano Camera, Andrea Chiesa, Marck Cooper, Angelo Durante, Loris Di Falco, Debora Garritani, Paolo Perrone, Fabio Polosa, Daniele Serra, Costanzo Cocuzza, Laura Ferrari, Fraintesa.
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